Site Map & Points of Interest
SATURDAY SITE MAP (Cottonwood Acres)

SUNDAY SITE MAP (Island Park Bandstand)

Site Features You've Gotta Check Out on Saturday
Whoop & Hollar's little Handmade Village and Marketplace, featuring local creators and sellers of visual art, jewellery, cosmetics and hygiene products, clothing, giftware, and other treasures. You'll be amazed at what is made in Portage la Prairie and Manitoba!
This 900-metre trail twists and turns through old-growth cottonwood and maple forest, at the east side of the festival site. Unofficially known as Manitoba's "Cathedral Grove," this strip of trees is home to some of the province's largest Cottonwoods. Trailhead is beside the food vendors (or behind the house). A few sitting areas/benches will be located along the trail for rest and reflection. If you are an artist looking to do some kind of art installation along this trail (day or night), we'd love to hear from you!
Let your inner-artist shine by participating in semi-guided arts and crafts making, under the Big Top. Fun for all ages, in an informal group setting. Get creative!
Hang your hammock between a stunning double row of ash trees (in the campground area beside the Red Barn) and soak up the music, sun, and fresh air while letting your body, mind, and spirit free.
Head to the Red Barn and discover Harlequin Hangout, a chill space where you can make music with others, join an open mic on Friday and Saturday, or catch some shows put on by some of Manitoba's most promising emerging performers. Acoustic jam sessions take place here between musical sets during the day, and all through the night. Bring your instrument! This is Whoop & Hollar's own version of Vinyl Village at Winnipeg Folk Fest Campground.
When you enter the festival site through the Main Gate off Highway 331, you walk through "Pinewood Park," a gorgeous grassy area dotted with pine trees and ornamental trees from around the world (including a Manchurian Cherry and Chinese Catalpa). Here, you might choose to have a picnic with your friends or family, play a game of Bocce, or set up a tent if you want a quieter place to sleep.
Take a stroll along the winding labyrinth path through a 185 square metre (2,000 ft2) patch of tall-grass prairie plants, including a variety of native flowers and grasses. As you will discover during your labyrinth journey, the path is not straightforward and you may be taking different directions or even end up back to where you started—this can be a metaphor for one's life journey. Along with the smells and sights of this pretty garden, you may come across bees, butterflies, and birds who also enjoy these prairie plants. Fact: less than one-tenth of 1% of Manitoba's tall-grass prairie ecosystem remains. Every bit of environmental conservation you can do in your own backyard helps to restore habitat and biodiversity on a global scale.
You won't miss the Big Top, a large white tent canopy on the west side of the festival grounds! Here, you can participate in a variety of activities and workshops happening throughout the day on Saturday, including some interactive entertainment for children and families.